Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24th-Day 1

I got up this morning and my first thought was, crap, I can only have one cup of coffee today. To really make it count, I came into work first rather than making it at home. A hard charging younger lawyer known to work 18 hour days usually makes the coffee here, and it isn't for the faint of heart. Not drinking too much of it may be easier than I originally thought because without cream and sweetener, his concoction tastes like shit. It is very strong. I was rountinely drinking 3 cups a morning without realizing it because I was putting so much stuff in it.

Enough with the tail wagging the dog, I'm here to talk about a diet. A funny thing happened last night. After I published the first post, but before I mentioned it on Facebook to assure someone would actually read it, our Girl Scout Cookies came. For reasons that still aren't real clear to me, we ordered 24 boxes. I wolfed down 4 of the peanut butter ones (cookies, not boxes) last night because I figure they'll now be off limits to me for at least 3 weeks. Needless to say, the timing of the cookie dropoff could not have been much worse.

This morning I kicked things off with a weigh-in of 247.0. For breakfast, I opted for 4 plain old strawberries in lieu of a Fiber One Bar. I'd never eaten just fruit for breakfast. Onclear on how to proceed, I went leaning over the sink style, washing as I ate. Don't judge.


KimberlyY said...

Don't forget about protein. If you starve yourself too much those evil cookies will look better and better. I may be able to help with some ideas :)

bcepling said...

Hey A - I eat the same breakfast every morning; 300 calories, loads of fiber and super convenient (its a smoothie, so I usually make it the night before and drink it on the way to work). It sucks, but it is damn near nutrionally perfect and its mindless. Let me know if you are interested.

Anonymous said...

No cookies, that is hard! Be sensible, fruit for breakfast is great, as is a fruit smootie, with skim milk. Keep fresh fruit in the fridge, cut if it doesn't get brown. Keep the fruit, veggies and grains going. Diet coke in the AM, instead of terrible coffee or having it with cream and sugar. Cafein, but satisfying, no calories.

Anonymous said...

Weekend before Lent started I ate three boxes of GS cookies in view of the fact I was giving up sweets - as is my usual tradition. I'm impressed by your restraint of 4 cookies. - Mike Hay