Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Great Experiment

Before I get to my plan, let's rewind. Earlier this week I stepped on the scale and it read a whopping 248 lbs. I've been sitting at a lifetime high of 243-245 for a while now. My eating and drinking habits being what they were, I was sure 245 represented some sort of cap. Since I've been steadily building to this point for a couple of years now, I'm not sure how I got this impression.

Besides the scale, there are other signs that my problem is getting unmanageable. My work pants rotation is dwindling. On Monday, as I do on most Mondays after 2-3 nights of drinking and snacking, I wore my loosest pair. Tuesday, I grabbed them again. I subconsciously (well, I guess now it is consciously) know that I'm going to be uncomfortable in anything else. That isn't good. In college I could reach for sweatpants. That doesn't work now.

In addition, I have gotten to a strange point where I am always hungry, and could eat all the time. Not a good feeling.

How did I get to this point? Well, by eating poorly and drinking a lot on the weekends (weekends start on Thursday, by the way). And eating very poorly while I'm drinking a lot. All of this stems from what my mother used to describe as my inability to "delay gratification". Isn't that what it all comes down to? Some people get the salad because they can wait to appreciate their pants fitting better over time rather immediately appreciating that juicy burger. I've never been one of those people.

So, what to do? Some opt for crash or fad diets. Those people are called morons. Think of all the people you know who've told you about their diets that "worked". Did they say this a week after they were done with the diet, or two years later? Or did they say it two years later and then add, "it would have worked if I'd have stuck with it." Cause that, folks, is a fancy way of saying it didn't work.

Some people get surgery. A great option for many, but a) I'm not fat enough and b) If I am going to spend $5000-$10000 on something it had better have an engine.

Here's what I've opted for to date. I wake up every Monday morning and decide that's the week I'll start making better choices for the rest of my life. By lunch I get hungry and forget so I have a burger and fries. Knowing then that I've blown it I'll have ice cream or nachos after dinner that night. Then I'll say the hell with it and eat poorly the rest of the week. I've basically repeated this pattern at least every other week of my life for 3-4 years. My guess is that a number of overweight people have.

Here is the plan. I am going to live at the proverbial foot of the cross for three weeks. Nothing outlandish. I'll simply make the best food choice I can at every point. That sounds simple, but if you think about it, it isn't. I'll mix in some dimestore advice they hand out in Men's magazines. One cup of black coffee in the morning. No other caffeine. No artificial sweeteners. Jar of unsalted almonds in the desk drawer with a handful for an afternoon snack. Lean meats whenever it is an option. Force myself to eat foods with color.

If I want a drink I will have a glass of red wine. But only one on Thursday and two on a weekend night.

Before you get all "a-ha" and call me a hypocrite, I admit this plan is merely a hybrid of the moronic crash diet I outlined above, along with the "lifestyle change" option that has failed me so often. It has the added drawback of being a short term plan (but not really, which I'll get to in a minute).

So why is it going to work? We'll its simple really. I am going to write about it every chance I get for the next three weeks. Someone will be reading, and it will basically force me to put forth an honest effort. I'll chronicle how I feel, what I eat and the sort of progress I've made. There will also be a lot of, if you'll forgive the pun, navel gazing. For all of my faults, I am reflexively self aware, insightful and honest. So, whether you struggle with your weight or not, I think it will make for interesting reading. If I freakin blow it and go on an all night Cheetos bender, you'll hear about it. While I hate dieting, I love writing, and this will given me an experience to write about.

My hope is that at the end of this time I will 1) feel so much better that I have no choice but to incorporate much of what I've done into my lifestyle and; 2) have gained an interested readership. Do me a favor and come along this journey with me and we'll see.


Benny said...

I'm with ya pal. Bad food is everywhere and so convenient. It's a pain to make a breakfast smoothie and a lunch salad everynight. Eating well is work and I fail consistently. My biggest issue is portion control - if I like it (and I like eveything), I eat until its gone. I wish "Hungry Benny" could remember how crappy "bloated and stuffed Benny" feels.

KimberlyY said...

Congrats on your decision Alex. I for one will be reading your blog and supporting you on your journey...best wishes my friend :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Alex. Kevin Cruise here (sorry I don't have an account, but wanted to comment). It's great you're adding to your accountability (putting in writing your plans). I love your blogs, in general. If I give a couple of fitness ideas, you have to promise to continue to help me with my insufficient tennis skills. I blew out my knee 10 years ago, and became a fitness addict while rehabbing from that injury. One thing I've stumbled upon drinkwise. I have a drink or two myself now and then.... vodka with a fruit juice or two. I like vodka plus grapefruit juice and cranberry. Healthy, tasty, potent, you get the idea. Best of luck in your journey. Keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

There is an easier way, go with the tried and true Zeta Psi diet. Pasta with red sauce and a can of tuna for dinner...at least four nights a week. Dan got deluxe in his later years with a breast of chicken. Always walk or take stairs when given an option, and only drink Keystone light...nowadays you can go deluxe and have a Michelob ultra. Expect to see you svelte at the Final Four, though you should go to Shula's steakhouse.

Stephanie said...

Oh good lord, were all of you eating that awful pasta-tuna concoction in college? I thought it was only Joe...

Good luck- will be interested to read and learn from your experience!

Anonymous said...

Wanting to live a healthy life is simple. Just do it. You are your worst enemy. Having children should be a great incentive to want to eat and live better. You can change your diet, exercise and still on occasion or one day out of the week have your favorite food or drink.You attitude and will to want the change has to be on the same page. I don't understand why some think a crazy diet or super pill will solve the problem. My goal is to gain weight, healthy weight and muscle. I go to the gym 5 times a wwwk, changed what I eat, and eat several times a day to keep up. I have one cheat day or treat day. I can honestly say I feel so much better. To you Alex I say no matter what the advice you have to want to do this, and stick to it. Once you are truly in a place where eating and drinking poorly is no longer a part of your life ...you will never look back. Good luck to you :-)