Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Day 7

Well, here is where it starts to get difficult. The textbook example of why you should not weigh each morning came with today's startling revelation of 244.0, meaning with a day to go in the first week, I've only lost three lbs. More to the point, I have managed to gain four pounds since I got up on Saturday morning. This doesn't seem possible.

I know what you are thinking. Losing 3 pounds in a week is a good thing. When that week is the first week, you are a 250lb man who could safely lose 60 lbs and the diet is designed to last 23 days, I am not so sure. I assumed that I would lose 6-7 lbs. in the first week and taper off substantially from there, probably ending up somewhere between 234-236 by March 19th. That is starting to look unrealistic.

Be all that as it may, I am going to press forward and try to enjoy the journey.


KimberlyY said...

Try no to get discouraged Alex and use it as motivation to clean up your eating and drinking habits a little more. Invest in some 100 calorie pack crackers and/or cookies and treat yourself instead of with the girl scout cookies. Try to plan a couple of tennis games this week and enjoy the path to a healthy weight. We are routing for you here in CA. Sending strength and positive thoughts to you my friend. It is never easy :)

Scutch said...

Thanks. Truth be told, outside of 2-3 decisions that collectively cost me about 1200 calories, there isn't much I would have done differently.
And, for then record, I've had a total of three thin mints since this all started.

KimberlyY said...

Points taken :)

Anonymous said...

3 lbs in one week is pretty good. After 8 weeks of just eating a little bit better, I'm down 6 lbs. I keep holding out for exercise as the key to losing more weight - I just need it to creep above 60 degrees to get me out running again. MFHay