Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Quick Update

Quick, no frills, catch-up. Yesterday lunch: Chef's salad, low fat vinaigrette. This was a pretty healthy Chef's. Not much bacon or cheese to speak of. Dinner: Mediterranean salad which probably would have been very healthy if everything wasn't dripped in oil. As it was, though, a two salad day with the lunch much healthier than the dinner.
Forty minute elliptical workout. About 650 calories in elliptical math.
One girl scout cookie and about 100 calories worth of lowfat popcorn before bed.

This morning's one week weight-in of 242.5, making the first week a semi-successful 4.5 lb weight loss. I've decided to stop weighing every day and it is proving counterproductive. I'll try to limit it to 3-4 times between now and March 19th.

One cup of black coffee and a Fiber One Bar (150 calories) on the way to court on Northern Kentucky this morning. Lunch pending.

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