Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 2

Update: First meal with the guys at work during the great experiment. Immediately, I broke my self imposed rule about not being a pain in the ass and begged not to do Mexican. Outside of green peppers and onions, both of which I hate, you aren't getting anything healthy at a Mexican restaurant. We went to Chili's, which is said to have a number of diet options. Upon inspection of the menu, none were appealing. I ended up with another Asian salad of some sort, this time featuring a chicken breast. I think this one had a heavier dressing than the one yesterday, so I may have screwed the pooch. While I'm sure I saved a number of calories by not having a bacon cheeseburger and fries, it probably wasn't the most nutritious meal anyone ever ate.

One positive in limiting caffeine is that I'm drinking a lot of water. "Drink lots of water" is ubiquitous dieting advice. Though I'm not clear as to why, I am pretty sure drinking more water and less diet coke cannot hurt.

I really need to go buy those desk almonds I mentioned in the first post.

*** *** *** *** *** ***

Day 2 began with a NP-SMW of 243. The immediate weight loss isn't surprising. Generally if I diet I will lose all the weight I'm going to in the first week on the first day then bounce back and forth for the next six.

Strawberries again this morning. I generally don't feel bad about eating a Fiber One Bar for a 150 calorie breakfast. However, if you look at the information on them, they are mostly sugar. The strawberries probably have the same paltry carbs to protein ratio, but at least it is natural sugar.

Anyway, I am going to break down and have 2 caffeine drinks this morning. One coffee in the car and now a Coke Zero. The sad truth is, I was too tired to work effectively yesterday afternoon. I'm also acting on a suggestions I allow myself one diet coke, because it would be a lot more satisfying than coffee. Hopefully I can dial back to 1 a day before March 19th.

I already plan to bank my wine tonight to use for Friday. I am going to an event where it will be hard enough to drink wine period, let alone stick to 2 glasses in what may be a four hour time period.


Anonymous said...

Don't weigh every day. Do it at most once a week.

Scutch said...

Ordinarily I wouldn't. For the purposes of the blog, I think the weight each day adds to the narrative.